What is a Condom? How to Use Condoms to Avoid Pregnancy?

What is a Condom? How to Use Condoms to Avoid Pregnancy?

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03 October 2023 . 6 min read

What is a condom?

Condoms are the most readily available and commonly used contraceptive methods. They are a thin sheet of protective covering made from rubber (latex), polyisoprene or polyurethane.

When we think about contraception, condoms are often the first thing we think about. But do we know all there is to know about this contraceptive method? It is natural to wonder, “How effective are condoms?”, “What is the use of condoms?” and how effective they are! Let’s explore more in this blog! 

What is the use of condoms & how to wear them?

They act as a barrier, not allowing the sperm to reach the egg, preventing pregnancy. They are designed to protect users from sexually transmitted infections. You must use a new condom for each act of sex.

Did you know condoms are the only contraceptive that protects against sexually transmitted infections (STIs)?

If you are thinking, “How to use condoms to avoid pregnancy”, we’ve got you a step-by-step guide to wearing them.

Here’s how to wear a male condom:

● Open the packet carefully and remove the condom from the wrapper. Avoid using sharp objects like scissors or blades that could damage the condom inside accidentally.

● Place the rolled condom on the top of the head of the erect penis. If not circumcised, pull the foreskin back first.

● Pinch the air out of the tip of the condom.

● Unroll the condom all the way down the penis.

● While you can use water-based lubricants during sex to make penetration easier and more pleasurable, avoid using oil-based lubricants as they may weaken the latex in the condom.

● After sex, withdraw the penis while still erect.

● Hold it at the base and carefully remove the condom and place it in a tissue or empty wrapper.

● Always throw a condom in the dustbin.

Here’s how to wear a female condom:

● Remove the condom package carefully without tearing it.

● Find a comfortable position. While holding the outside of the condom at the closed end, squeeze the sides of the inner ring together with your thumb and forefinger and insert it into the vagina. It is like inserting a tampon.

● Using your finger, push the thick inner ring as far up as it will go until it rests against the cervix. The condom will expand naturally, and you may not feel it.

● Ensure the condom is not twisted. The thin outer ring should remain outside the vagina.

● Guide your partner’s penis into the opening of the condom.

● To remove, gently twist the outer ring and pull the condom out of the vagina.

● Throw away the condom in the trash after using it one time.

What are the different types of condoms?

There are two types of condoms:

External condoms: These are worn externally on the penis and are therefore called male condoms. They are available in a variety of styles, flavours and features. You can pick a brand that you are most comfortable with.

Internal condoms: These are a sheath of rubber worn inside the vagina. For this reason, they are called female condoms. These condoms are thin and have an outer ring that remains outside the body, covering the vaginal opening. To insert it, find a comfortable position. Next, hold the outside of the condom at the closed end, squeeze the inner ring with your thumb and forefinger, and insert it into the vagina. The insertion of a female condom is similar to a tampon.


How effective are condoms against pregnancy & how do they work?

Condoms are one of the most effective contraceptive methods available today. They are 98% effective in preventing pregnancies, which means 2% of pregnancies per 100 women may be reported if not used properly.

A male condom should be worn on the erect penis, whereas a female condom must be in place before the sexual act. Condoms form a barrier that keeps the sperm out of the vagina during sex. By acting as a barrier between the two partners, condoms prevent pregnancy and spread of STIs.

Do condoms help protect against stds?

When used correctly each time, male and female condoms protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

What are the advantages and disadvantages of condoms?

Condoms are popular for their several advantages:

  1. Provide adequate protection: Condoms effectively prevent pregnancy and the transmission of STIs.
  2. Are easily available: Condoms are widely available and accessible. You can find them at pharmacies, convenience stores, and even online. They are affordable and do not require a prescription, making them a convenient option for anyone.
  3. Can be used by men and women: Condoms offer individuals the ability to take control of their sexual health. They can be easily used by both males and females, empowering partners to participate in safe sex practices.
  4. Side effects are uncommon: Unlike hormonal contraceptives, condoms do not have hormonal side effects. They can be used by anyone, regardless of their medical history or health conditions.
  5. Available in a wide range of sizes, materials, and features: Condoms come in various types, sizes, and materials, allowing individuals to find the one that suits them best. Some condoms are designed to enhance pleasure, offering an additional benefit to sexual experiences.

A few disadvantages of condoms include:

Chances of allergy to latex: People who are allergic to latex may not be able to use the commonly available brands. If you develop sensitivity to a condom but are not allergic to latex, it may help to change the brand.

Chances of tearing: Though condoms are designed to be strong and resist any act of sex, there is always a small risk of it tearing or slipping out. You must always check the expiration date on the condom packet to avoid tearing and reduce the chances of mishaps while having sex.

Reduced sensitivity: Since the condom covers the penis or the vagina, some people may not enjoy reduced sensitivity during sex. You can, however, pick a variety of condoms that suits your needs the best. Ultra-thin condoms available today assure you an experience as close to natural as possible.

Condom dos and don’ts

To ensure you get the maximum safety and protection when using a condom, here are a few Dos and Don’ts that you must follow:


● Use a condom whenever you have sex unless you want to conceive.

● Put a condom on an erect penis or insert the female condom in the vagina before sex.

● Use a new condom before every new sex act.

● Always read the instructions on the package of the condom.

● Keep track of the expiry date of the condom.

● Always ensure there are no tears or defects before using a condom.

● Store a condom in a cool, dry place, away from heat and direct sunlight, to maintain its integrity. 

● While some condoms have lubricants, you can always use lubricants of your choice.


● Avoid storing condoms in your wallet, as friction and heat can damage them.

● Avoid using spermicides when using condoms, as they can irritate.

● Do not use oil-based products like lotion, baby oil, jelly or cooking oil when using the condom, as they can cause it to break.

● Avoid using more than one condom at a time.

● Do not reuse a condom.


Condoms are a vital tool in preventing unwanted pregnancies and safeguarding your sexual health. By understanding the correct way to use condoms, being aware of their limitations, and consistently incorporating them into your sexual encounters, you can embrace a confident and responsible approach to intimacy.

